Low-code designer / Set up interfaces / Widget types > CRM widgets / Linked emails

Linked emails

This widget is used to display emails from an inbox connected to BRIX directly on app pages. The widget shows emails that the users have linked to an app item. To make such linking available, the app has to be added to the list of available apps in the Administration workspace. For more information, see Link an app item with an email.

Add the widget

To add the widget to a form, switch to the advanced mode and open the interface designer. Drag the widget from the right panel to the modeling canvas. Alternatively, you can click the +Widget button on the sidebar of the form you’re configuring. The settings window will open.

Main tab


The App item* field is automatically filled out based on the app that you are currently working with.

Events and System tabs

These tabs contain system settings similar for all widgets. They allow you to set the widget’s visibility and access permissions, configure the widget’s behavior when the user hovers over it, etc. Read more about these settings in the System widget settings article.

When you finish configuring the widget, click Save. If you’re adding the widget to the sidebar, a new settings window will open, and you will have to specify the title of the panel the widget will be displayed in.

To make the form available to users, click Save and Publish on the interface designer toolbar.