BRIX On-Premises > BRIX On-Premises Enterprise > Administering BRIX Enterprise / Set up alerts and notifications in Grafana

Set up alerts and notifications in Grafana

To monitor the key performance indicators of the system, install the Grafana tool. After that, you can set up notifications to email or messenger. This will help you respond to errors and take measures to eliminate them.

There are several ways to configure alerts with Grafana:

Create alert rules and configure their routing

Setting up notifications and alerts in Grafana consists of three steps:

  1. Configure how notifications are received.
  2. Create alert rules.
  3. Set up notification routing.

Step 1. Configure how notifications are received

In Grafana settings, go to Alerting > Contact points, and in the Integration field, specify how you want to receive notifications, and then fill in the appropriate fields.

To receive notifications via email, select the Email option. Then, in the appeared Addresses field, specify a list of email addresses where notifications will be sent.


To receive notifications via Telegram, select the appropriate option in the Integration field. After that, the BOT API Token and Chat ID fields will appear. To fill them in, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Telegram and create a bot.
  2. Copy the bot token and enter it in the BOT API Token field.
  3. Create a group in Telegram and add your bot to it.
  4. Obtain the group ID and enter it in the Chat ID field.

Use the official documentation to perform actions in Telegram.


Step 2. Create alert rules

Based on metrics using Prometheus or tracking logs using Loki, you can create alert rules.

For this example, let’s create a metrics-based alert rule using the overview dashboard and configure notifications when the CPU load on a node exceeds 80% for 5 minutes. To do this, open the required section in the dashboard, in our case, it is Nodes info. Then in the upper right corner, click on the three dots and select More > New alert rule. In the window that opens, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Name field, enter the name of the alert rule, for example, CPU Usage. The second item will automatically display the rule script. At the end of the script text, set the threshold value for triggering the rule to > 0.8.


  1. Next, in the same window, create a new evaluation group with a value of 5m and give it a name. Then the alert will be received if the CPU load exceeds 80% for the whole specified time.


  1. In the same window in the Folder field, select a folder where alerts on the created rule will be saved and displayed. In the Evaluation group field, add the previously created evaluation group 5m.

Additionally, in the New alert rule window, you can add labels and annotations for your alert rule. Labels help you categorize and filter alerts, while annotations allow you to add a description of the problem or action to be taken.


Step 3. Set up notification routing

Go to Alerting – Notification policies. In the opened window:

  • Fill in Matching labels fields.
  • In the Contact point field, select how you want to receive notifications.

Example of filling in:


Routing is configured. If the threshold value exceeds the 0.8 factor for 5 minutes, a notification will be sent to the specified email address.

Apply a ready-made list of rules for notifications to messengers

The elma365/monitoring chart contains a list of rules for alerts defined in the alerting.yaml file. It can be applied only for sending notifications to messengers.

By default, the configuration file specifies parameters for routing messages to the most common service, which is Telegram.

To use a ready-made list with another messenger, you can change the configuration in the alerting.yaml file and set the notification routing and templates for the required messenger.

If a ready-made list of rules in the alerting.yaml file is not enough, you can create rules manually and configure their routing according to the instructions above.

Lets see how to use the ready-made list of rules and send alerts to Telegram:

  1. Before setting up alerts, make sure you have installed monitoring tools and DBSExporter to monitor databases with Node Exporter enabled.
  2. To set up a ready-made list of notification rules over the web, get the values-monitoring.yaml configuration file by executing the following command:

helm repo add elma365
helm repo update
helm pull elma365/monitoring --untar

  1. In the alerting.yaml file, configure the alerting channel. To do this, specify the following:
  • bottoken: <bot-token>. Telegram bot token.
  • chatid: "<chat-id>". Chat identifier in Telegram.

# Alerting settings
      apiVersion: 1
        - orgId: 1
            name: telegram-message-node
            - uid: telegram-message-node
                type: telegram
                bottoken: <bot-token>
                chatid: "<chat-id>"
                message: '{{ "{{" }}  template "telegram.node" . {{ "}}" }}'
                parse_mode: HTML
                disableResolveMessage: false

  1. Apply the prepared alerting list from the alerting.yaml file by executing the following command:

helm upgrade --install elma365-monitoring elma365/monitoring -f values-monitoring.yaml -f alerting.yaml -n monitoring --create-namespace

Telegram alerts may look like this:
