DBSExporter is an add-on designed for monitoring PostgreSQL, MongoDB, RabbitMQ, Redis, and S3 storage databases.
The installation of the add-on consists of four steps:
- Download the Helm chart and configuration file.
- Create a configuration token to use MinIO metrics for Prometheus.
- Fill in the configuration file.
- Install the DBSExporter chart using Helm in the Kubernetes cluster.
Step 1: Download the Helm chart and configuration file
To install via the internet, obtain the values-dbsexporter.yaml
configuration file by executing the following command:
helm repo add elma365 https://charts.elma365.tech
helm repo update
helm show values elma365/dbsexporter > values-dbsexporter.yaml
For offline installation without internet access
- On a computer with internet access, download the archive of the latest version of the DBSExporter chart from the BRIX repository using the command:
helm repo add elma365 https://charts.elma365.tech
helm repo update
helm pull elma365/dbsexporter
- Copy the obtained chart archive
dbsexporter-X.Y.Z.tgz to the server where the installation will take place. - Unpack the chart, and copy the default configuration file
values.yaml to values-dbsexporter.yaml .
tar -xf dbsexporter-X.Y.Z.tgz
cp dbsexporter/values.yaml values-dbsexporter.yaml
Step 2: Create a configuration token to use MinIO metrics for Prometheus
Create alias
and send the command to generate a token by executing the following:
mc alias set my_alias http://minio.local accessKey secretKey
mc admin prometheus generate my_alias
Step 3: Fill in the configuration file
Fill in the configuration file to install DBSExporter
Use the generated token when configuring the MinIO connection in the values-dbsexporter.yaml file.
## Enable chart imports
enabled: true
grafanaFolder: dbs
## MinIO connection settings
nameOverride: minio
- name: minio-job
token: generated_token
path: /minio/v2/metrics/cluster
host: 'minio.local'
port: 80
scheme: http
## MongoDB connection settings
nameOverride: mongo
- name: mongodb
uri: "mongodb://mongodb:27017"
## Postgres connection settings
nameOverride: postgres
- name: postgres
## Specify a data source amd a data source secret.
host: 'example.ru'
user: postgres
userSecret: {}
# # Secret name
# name:
# # User key inside the secret
# key:
password: postgres_password
## Specify passwordFile if the database password is stored in a file.
passwordFile: ''
## Specify passwordSecret if the database password is stored in a secret.
passwordSecret: {}
# # Secret name
# name:
# # Password key inside the secret
# key:
pgpassfile: ''
## If pgpassfile is set, it is used to initialize the environment variable PGPASSFILE.
port: "5432"
database: ''
sslmode: disable
extraParams: ''
## rabbitMQ connection settings
nameOverride: rabbitmq
- name: rabbitmq
url: 'http://rabbitmq:15672'
user: rabbitmq_user
password: rabbitmq_password
## The specified password will be placed in Secret:
existingPasswordSecret: rabbitmq-secret
existingPasswordSecretKey: password
capabilities: bert,no_sort
include_queues: ".*"
include_vhost: ".*"
skip_queues: "^$"
skip_verify: "false"
skip_vhost: "^$"
exporters: "exchange,node,overview,queue"
output_format: "TTY"
timeout: 60
max_queues: 0
excludeMetrics: ""
## Allows overriding environment variables using an external ConfigMap.
configMapOverrideReference: ""
## Redis connection setting
nameOverride: redis
- name: redis1
redisAddress: 'redis://redis:6379/0'
Configuring connection parameters to a private registry for installation in a closed environment without internet access
To connect to the private registry:
- Download BRIX images and upload them to a local image registry. Refer to Download BRIX images for more details.
- Specify the address and path for the parameter
image.repository . - Provide the name of the secret with access rights to the private registry in the parameter
image.pullSecrets . The secret must be manually created and encrypted in Base64.
## Connection parameters to the private registry
## Address and path for the private registry
repository: registry.example.com/minio_exporter
# tag: "1.0.15"
- myRegistryKeySecretName
## Connection parameters to the private registry
## Address and path for the private registry
repository: registry.example.com/mongodb_exporter
# tag: "0.31.0"
- myRegistryKeySecretName
## Connection parameters to the private registry
## Address and path for the private registry
repository: registry.example.com/postgres-exporter
# tag: "v0.13.2"
- myRegistryKeySecretName
## rabbitMQ connection settings
## Connection parameters to the private registry
## Address and path for the private registry
repository: registry.example.com/rabbitmq-exporter
# tag: "v0.29.0"
- myRegistryKeySecretName
## Connection parameters to the private registry
# image:
## Address and path for the private registry
repository: registry.example.com/redis_exporter
# tag: "v1.44.0"
- myRegistryKeySecretName
Where repository format is: address — registry.example.com .
начало внимание
In DBSExporter it is possible to set up the connection of several databases both internal and external.
конец внимание
To do that, duplicate the parameters of block instances
and set the connection parameters for each replica. For example:
- name: mongodb-1
uri: "mongodb://mongodb-1:27017"
- name: mongodb-2
uri: "mongodb://mongodb-2:27017"
Step 4: Install the DBSExporter chart using Helm in the Kubernetes cluster
Execute the installation of the DBSExporter chart in namespace monitoring
For online installation:
helm upgrade --install -n monitoring dbsexporter elma365/dbsexporter -f values-dbsexporter.yaml
For offline installation without internet access, navigate to the directory with the downloaded chart and execute the command:
helm upgrade --install dbsexporter ./dbsexporter -f values-dbsexporter.yaml -n monitoring