BRIX On-Premises > BRIX On-Premises Enterprise > Install add-on components for BRIX / Install monitoring tools

Install monitoring tools

The following services are used as monitoring tools:

  • Prometheus tool for storing time series.
  • Grafana service for monitoring key system performance indicators.

Let’s look at how to deploy them to a Kubernetes cluster in a few steps:

  1. Clear CRDs before installation (optional).
  2. Download the Helm chart and the configuration file.
  3. Fill out the configuration file.
  4. Install the Monitoring chart using helm in the Kubernetes cluster.

Step 1: Clear CRDs before installation (optional)

Perform CRD cleanup if you have previously installed monitoring tools or are using an BRIX version below BRIX - v2023.6.19 or BRIX LTS - v2023.4.52.

To clear old CRDs, execute the following command:

kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd

Step 2: Download the Helm chart and the configuration file

For installation via the internet, obtain the configuration file values-monitoring.yaml by executing the command:

helm repo add elma365
helm repo update
helm show values elma365/monitoring> values-monitoring.yaml

Step 3: Fill out the configuration file

Fill out the configuration file values-monitoring.yaml for the installation of monitoring tools. For this, specify the desired namespace for the monitoring service in the parameters kube-prometheus-stack.namespaceOverride and grafana.namespaceOverride, for example, namespaceOverride: monitoring. The namespace will be created during the installation if it has not been created beforehand.

For Grafana:

  1. Ensure that the interface is enabled and kube-prometheus-stack.grafana.ingress.enabled is set to true.
  2. Specify the address at which Grafana will be accessible in the parameter kube-prometheus-stack.grafana.ingress.hosts.
  3. Set the administrators password in the parameter kube-prometheus-stack.grafana.adminPassword.

Filling out the values-monitoring.yaml configuration file for monitoring installation

Filling out parameters for connecting to the Mimir remote storage

Step 4: Install the Monitoring chart using helm in the Kubernetes cluster

Install the Monitoring chart in the namespace specified in the configuration file values-monitoring.yaml in step 2. The namespace will be created during the installation if it has not been created beforehand.

To install via the internet, execute the command:

helm upgrade --install elma365-monitoring elma365/monitoring -f values-monitoring.yaml -n monitoring --create-namespace 

Начало внимание

After installing the monitoring tools, you need to configure their use on the BRIX application side.

Конец внимание

Delete the Monitoring chart using helm in the Kubernetes cluster

Начало внимание

Before removing the Monitoring add-on component, disable monitoring on the BRIX application side.

Конец внимание

  1. To delete the elma365-monitoring chart in namespace monitoring, execute the command:

helm uninstall elma365-monitoring -n monitoring

  1. CRDs created by the elma365-monitoring chart are not removed by default and must be manually cleared by a user with cluster-admin rights:

kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd

  1. If the CRD remains in the Terminating status for more than 5 minutes during deletion, patch the CRD with the command:

kubectl patch crd/MY_CRD_NAME -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' --type=merge