BRIX On-Premises > BRIX On-Premises Enterprise > Install add-on components for BRIX / Install Mimir

Install Mimir

Mimir is a high-performance database designed for long-term storage of time series of monitoring metrics. Mimir retrieves data from source systems using the Prometheus Remote-Write option and stores it using external object stores such as S3 or GCS.

There are several steps to install and configure Mimir on your server:

  1. Download the Helm chart and configuration file.
  2. Create buckets in Minio.
  3. Fill in the configuration file.
  4. Install the Kubernetes cluster of the Mimir chart using the helm.
  5. Configure Mimir connection in Grafana data sources.

Step 1: Download the Helm chart and configuration file

To install over the Internet, obtain the values-mimir.yaml configuration file by running the following command:

helm repo add elma365
helm repo update
helm show values elma365/mimir > values-mimir.yaml

Retrieve configuration file for closed loop installation without internet access

Step 2: Create buckets in Minio

At this step, you need to create a bucket in the S3 repository.

  1. Create alias for Minio by running the following command:

mc alias set my_alias http://minio.local accessKey secretKey

  1. Create buckets named admins, chunks , and rules by running the following command:

mc mb -p my_alias/mimir --region=en-central-1

Step 3: Fill in the configuration file

Fill in the values-mimir.yaml configuration file to install Mimir

Fill in the parameters of connection to the private registry for closed loop installation without internet access

Step 4: Install the Kubernetes cluster of the Mimir chart using the helm

Install the Mimir chart in namespace monitoring.

To install via the Internet:

helm upgrade --install -n monitoring mimir elma365/mimir -f values-mimir.yaml

For offline installation without internet access, access the directory with the downloaded chart and run the command:

helm upgrade --install mimir ./mimir -f values-mimir.yaml -n monitoring

Step 5: Configure Mimir connection in Grafana data sources

  1. Add a Mimir source when installing the monitoring tool by completing the path: Home > Administration > Data source.
  2. Add the Prometheus data source and fill in the URL field, specifying the address of the Mimir service: http://mimir-nginx:80/prometheus.