BRIX On-Premises > BRIX On-Premises Standard / Modify BRIX Standard parameters

Modify BRIX Standard parameters

During the operation of BRIX Standard (KinD), you may need to reconfigure the application components, for example, to edit the settings of services — modify the mail server settings, change the application connection parameters, configure additional options, etc.

The process of changing the application's parameters consists of two stages:


  1. Making changes to the config-elma365.txt configuration file.
  2. Running the installation script with the --upgrade key to apply the new parameters.


Parameters of the config-elma365.txt configuration file

The config-elma365.txt configuration file is created in the current directory the first time the installation script is run.

The parameters in the config-elma365.txt configuration file are divided into two groups:


  • Basic. Parameters that are minimally required for the quick deployment of the BRIX Standard app in Kubernetes-in-Docker (KinD).
  • Additional. Parameters describing the interaction of BRIX Standard (KinD) with external data storage systems, modes, and protocols of the app's operation.

начало внимание

Careless modification of additional parameters in the config-elma365.txt configuration file can lead to the BRIX Standard app (KinD) becoming inoperative. Before making changes to this file, it is recommended to create a backup copy.

конец внимание

Description of the config-elma365.txt file parameters



Main installation parameters


IP or URL address through which the system will be accessible.

When setting up the system with a specified domain name, it is necessary to add the corresponding A record in the DNS server: "" <-> "IP address of the machine with ELMA365".

Please note that the name is written in lowercase letters.

Important: if it is impossible to configure domain name resolution, it is necessary to enable the additional installation parameter ELMA365_HOSTALIASES_IP.

Login credentials for supervisor:


The email address is specified, which will serve as the login for the supervisor.

Important: the parameter is used when creating a company during the installation of BRIX to create a new account for the supervisor. Changing the supervisor’s email by modifying this parameter will be further impossible.


Password for main administrator.

Important: it is used when the company is created at the moment BRIX is installed.
This parameter can be changed via the web interface if the system administator's email is specified.

System interface language:


Interface language.

Available options: "ru-RU", "en-US", "sk-SK".

System edition:



Available options: "standard", "enterprise".

In this package, the "enterprise" edition choice is intended for licensing and does not include add-ons that expand the functional and infrastructural capabilities of the BRIX.

Setting connection with SMTP (this connection is used to send invitations to new users, restore passwords, and send notifications about new tasks):


IP or URL for connecting to SMTP server.


Port for connecting to SMTP server.


Email address (name of the email) on behalf of which the messages will be sent.


User login for connecting to SMTP server.


User password for connecting to SMTP server.


Using TLS encryption by SMTP server.

Available option: true, false.

Setting TLS encryption:


Path to the SSL certificate (to enable HTTPS support). The SSL certificate must be fullchain.

Important: If the ELMA365_HOST parameter specifies an IP address, the ELMA365_TLS_CRT parameter is ignored


Path to the private key (to enable HTTPS support).

Important: If the ELMA365_HOST parameter specifies an IP address, the ELMA365_TLS_KEY parameter is ignored.


Path to the root CA certificate when using a self-signed certificate.

Important: If the ELMA365_HOST parameter specifies an IP address, the ELMA365_TLS_CA parameter is ignored.

Additional installation parameters

Setting connection to external databases:


PostgreSQL connection string for both read and write operations.

Format: postgresql://user:password@hostname:port/databaseName. Where:

  • user - the username of the PostgreSQL user with access rights to the database.
  • password - the password for the PostgreSQL user.
  • hostname - IP or domain name of the PostgreSQL server.
  • port - port to connect to PostgreSQL, default port: 5432.
  • databaseName - name of the database.

For the required PostgreSQL configuration, refer to the Prepare external databases section.


PostgreSQL connection string for writing operations.

Format: postgresql://user:password@hostname:port/databaseName. Where:

  • user - the username of the PostgreSQL user with access rights to the database.
  • password - the password for the PostgreSQL user.
  • hostname - IP or domain name of the PostgreSQL server.
  • port - port to connect to PostgreSQL, default port: 5432.
  • databaseName - name of the database.

For the required PostgreSQL configuration, refer to the Prepare external databases section.


MongoDB connection string.

Format: mongodb://user:password@hostname:port/databaseName. Where:

  • user - the username of the MongoDB user with access rights to the database.
  • password - the password for the MongoDB user.
  • hostname - IP or domain name of the MongoDB server.
  • port - port to connect to MongoDB, default port: 27017.
  • databaseName - name of the database.

For the required MongoDB configuration, refer to the Prepare external databases section.


Redis connection string.

Format: redis://user:password@hostname:port/databaseName. Where:

  • user - the username of the Redis user with access rights to the database.
  • password - the password for the Redis user.
  • hostname - IP or domain name of the Redis server.
  • port - port to connect to Redis, default port: 6379.
  • databaseName - name of the database.

For the required Redis configuration, refer to the Prepare external databases section.


RabbitMQ connection string.

Format: amqp://user:password@hostname:port/vhost. Where:

  • user - the username of the RabbitMQ user with access rights to vhost.
  • password - the password for the RabbitMQ user.
  • hostname - IP or domain name of the RabbitMQ server.
  • port - port to connect to RabbitMQ, default port: 5672.
  • databaseName - name of the database.


For the required RabbitMQ configuration, refer to the Prepare external databases section.

Setting connection to S3 file storage:


S3 connection string.

Format: hostname:port. Where:

  • hostname - IP or domain name of the S3 server.
  • port - port to connect to S3, default port: 9000.

For the required S3 configuration, refer to the Prepare external databases section.


Bucket name in S3.

Important: If the proxy connection parameter to the external S3, ELMA365_DB_S3_GATEWAY, is enabled, the bucket name needs to match the s3elma365* format, namely s3elma365, s3elma365-dev, or s3elma365-prod.


User login for connecting to the S3 server.


User password for connecting to the S3 server.


S3 server location region.


Method for uploading files to S3.

Available options: PUT.


Use of TLS encryption by the S3 server.

Available options: true, false.


Enabling Virtual-hosted style mode for S3. In this ode, the name of the bucket is part of the domain name in a URL, for example:

If the parameter is disabled, the Path‑style address model is used.

Default value: false.

Available options: true, false.






Enabling proxy connection to an external S3 (if the S3 server is isolated in a local network).

Available options: true, false.

Important: to proxy a connection to an external S3, the connection parameters to the S3 server must be filled in:

  • ELMA365_DB_S3_USER.
  • ELMA365_DB_S3_SSL.


S3 server address for creating a backup copy.


  • For S3 in the Kubernetes cluster: http(s)://minio.<namespace>.svc.<cluster.local>.
  • For external S3: http(s)://

Setting up directories for system installation and creating backups:


Path to the directory where the BRIX Standard (KinD) system will be installed.

Default value: "/opt/elma365/docker".

Important: If installing the Docker App via Snap, the installation directory path should be changed to /mnt or /media.

Example: ELMA365_INSTALL_DIR="/mnt/elma365/docker".


Path to the directory where backup copies of the BRIX Standard (KinD) system will be saved

Default value: "/backup".

Important: If installing the Docker App via Snap, the installation directory path should be changed to /mnt or /media.

Example: ELMA365_BACKUP_DIR="/mnt/elma365/backup".

Settings for a private Docker image repository:


Address of the private Docker image repository.

Format: hostname:port.


User login and password for accessing the private registry.


Format: user:password.


Enabling the creation of a local private repository.

Important: when enabling a local private repository, specify the IP of the machine with BRIX and the port in parameter ELMA365_PRIVATE_REGISTRY_URL.

Available options: true, false.


Port for connecting to the local Docker image repository.

Default value:  "5000".


Directory location of the local Docker image repository.

Default value: "/opt/elma365/registry".

Important: If the Docker app is installed via Snap, the path to the directory of the local Docker image repository should be changed to /mnt or /media.

Example: ELMA365_PRIVATE_REGISTRY_DIR="/mnt/elma365/registry".

Docker settings:


Settings for changing the subnet used in Docker by default. Specify a range of IP addresses.


Format example:


Important: when specifying a subnet in the ELMA365_DOCKER_NETWORK parameter, specify the length of the mask of the created Docker networks.


MTU settings for Docker.

Mapping ports to database in docker:


Mapping a local port to the Postgres DB pod port, the local port number is specified.


Mapping a local port to the MongoDB DB pod port, the local port number is specified.


Mapping a local port to the Web port in the RabbitMQ DB pod, the local port number is specified.


Mapping a local port to the Redis DB pod port, the local port number is specified.


Mapping a local port to the Web port in the MinIO S3 data storage pod, the local port number is specified.

Setting connection of BRIX to a proxy server:


Connection URL to the proxy server for the https protocol.

Format: http://proxy_user:proxy_pass@host:port/.


  • proxy_user — username for authentication on the proxy server.
  • proxy_pass — password for authentication on the proxy server.
  • host — host of the used proxy server.
  • port — port of the used proxy server.


Connection URL to the proxy server for the http protocol.

Format: http://proxy_user:proxy_pass@host:port/.


  • proxy_user — username for authentication on the proxy server.
  • proxy_pass — password for authentication on the proxy server.
  • host — host of the used proxy server.
  • port — port of the used proxy server.


Network addresses, ranges of network addresses, and domains that should be excluded from using the proxy are specified.

Default value: localhost,,,,,,,,cluster.local,linkerd.svc


Connection URL to the proxy server for the https protocol.

Format: http://proxy_user:proxy_pass@host:port/.


  • proxy_user — username for authentication on the proxy server.
  • proxy_pass — password for authentication on the proxy server.
  • host — host of the used proxy server.
  • port — port of the used proxy server.


Connection URL to the proxy server for the http protocol.

Format: http://proxy_user:proxy_pass@host:port/.


  • proxy_user — username for authentication on the proxy server.
  • proxy_pass — password for authentication on the proxy server.
  • host — host of the used proxy server.
  • port — port of the used proxy server.


Network addresses, ranges of network addresses, and domains that should be excluded from using the proxy are specified.

Default value: localhost,,,,,,,,cluster.local,linkerd.svc

Parameters with no group:


Sets the HOSTALIASES for the domain name specified in the ELMA365_HOST parameter, linking it to the specified IP address (IP address of the machine with BRIX).

Important: this setting should be used when installing the system with a specified domain name if it's not possible to create a corresponding AAA record in the DNS server ("" <-> "IP address of the machine with ELMA365") for the domain name specified in ELMA365_HOST.

The system checks the possibility of connection by the domain name specified in ELMA365_HOST from the Kubernetes environment for the correct operation of the diskjockey service. The absence of domain name resolution, as mentioned in ELMA365_HOST, will lead to the installation failure of BRIX Standard (KinD).


Mode of operation for the BRIX server behind an HTTPS proxy.

Available options: true, false.


Debugging mode for the BRIX platform.

Available options: true, false.


Enabling additional parameters. They should be specified in the format: "exampleArgs1:'111' exampleArgs2:'true' exampleArgs3:22m","exampleArgs2":"222".

The need to enable and the list of additional parameters should be clarified with BRIX reps.

Enabling additional parameters. They should be specified in the format: "exampleArgs1:'111' exampleArgs2:'true' exampleArgs3:22m".

For example, to increase the maximum file size for files uploaded to the system use ELMA365_EXTRA_ARGS="maxFileSizeMB":"400".

The list of parameters to enable can be clarified with BRIX reps.


Enabling additional feature flags. They should be specified in the format: "exampleFlags1","exampleFlags2".

The need to enable feature flags and their list should be clarified with BRIX reps.


Enable the Security audit service.

Available options: true, false.

After the module is installed, the Security Audit service inside the cluster is available at URL http://audit.audit.svc:3000.


Connection string forк PostgreSQL for write and read operations.

This parameter is specified if in there is a connection string for PostgreSQL specified in ELMA365_DB_PSQL. For details about the required PostgreSQL configuration, see Prepare external databases.

If the parameter is not set up, the built-in PostgreSQL database is used.

The format is postgresql://user:password@hostname:port/databaseName, where

user is the PostgreSQL user name with access rights for the database.

password is the PostgreSQL user password.

hostname is the IP or domain name for the PostgreSQL server.

port is the connection port for PostgreSQL; the standard port is: 5432.

databaseName is the name of the database.

Uncomment and make necessary changes to the parameters in the config-elma365.txt configuration file, and save the changes.

Applying new parameters for BRIX Standard

  1. To make changes to the parameters of the BRIX Standard (KinD) application, update the application using the installation script (, run with the --upgrade key.

начало внимание

The ELMA365_EMAIL and ELMA365_PASSWORD parameters are only used when installing the system for the first time. Later their changes are ignored by the script.

конец внимание

  1. Make the changes to the BRIX Standard parameters:

sudo ./ --upgrade

sudo ./ --offline --upgrade

  1. Upon launch, the installation script will determine the version of the installed BRIX Standard (KinD) and suggest transitioning to the new version.

начало внимание

For a simple application of new parameters, the versions of BRIX Standard (KinD) should match.

конец внимание

Agree to transition to the new version by typing [Y]. Entering any other symbol will abort the application update.


  1. The next step in the installation script, you will see a notification about the need to make a backup before updating BRIX Standard (KinD).
  2. To continue updating the application, enter one of the options:
  • [B] — creating a backup (Backup).
  • [C] — skip backup (Continue).
  • [E] — abort update (Exit).
  1. Create a backup and continue updating BRIX Standard (KinD) by selecting [B] or pressing the ENTER key.

The installation script will carry out the backup and begin the application update.


  1. Wait for the application update to complete. You will see a message “Upgrade BRIX application successful”.

The update of the BRIX Standard (KinD) parameters is complete.