For the correct operation of the system, MongoDB version 3.6 to 6.0 is required. This article describes how to:
- Install MongoDB 6.0 for Ubuntu Linux 22.04.
- Prepare a MongoDB database for restoration.
You can also refer to the brief guide in the official MongoDB documentation.
If you are installing MongoDB 5.0, keep in mind that this version requires using an AVX set of instructions. Check their availability by running the following command:
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep avx
начало внимание
In this example, the database name is elma365, the user is elma365, and the password is SecretPassword.
When configuring MongoDB, set these data according to the security policy adopted in your organization.
конец внимание
Installation consists of six steps:
- Install MongoDB.
- Configure MongoDB.
- Configure connection to MongoDB.
- Initialize the replica.
- Connect to MongoDB.
Step 1: Install MongoDB
To install MongoDB, add the official repository:
sudo apt-get install gnupg
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg -o /usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-server-6.0.gpg --dearmor
echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-server-6.0.gpg ] jammy/mongodb-org/6.0 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-6.0.list
sudo apt-get update
Then install MongoDB:
sudo apt install mongodb-org
Run MongoDB:
sudo systemctl enable --now mongod
Step 2: Configure MongoDB
Начало внимание
The password can contain the following characters:
- Uppercase Latin letters: A to Z
- Lowercase Latin letters: a to z
- Digits: 0 to 9
- Symbols: -_
Reserved (invalid) characters: ! * ' ( ) ; : @ & = + $ , / ? % # [ ]
Конец внимание
- Access mongosh (Command Line Interface) and create a database:
use BRIX
- Create a dedicated user, elma365, to work with the database, with the password SecretPassword. Username and password are provided as an example:
db.createUser({user:'elma365', pwd:'SecretPassword', roles:[{role:"readWrite", db:"elma365"},{"role":"root", "db":"admin"}]})
- Make sure that the user is created:
show users
- To enable authentication, create a superuser:
use admin
db.createUser({user:'superuser', pwd:'SecretPassword', roles: ["root"]})
- Make sure that the user is created:
show users
- Complete the configuration:
- Create a file with a general authentication key, set access to the file:
openssl rand -base64 756 > /var/lib/mongodb/keyfile
chmod 400 /var/lib/mongodb/keyfile
chown mongodb:mongodb /var/lib/mongodb/keyfile
- Enable secure access to the MongoDB server.
To do that, edit the /etc/mongod.conf
. . .
enableLocalhostAuthBypass: false
authorization: "enabled"
keyFile: /var/lib/mongodb/keyfile
. . .
- Restart MongoDB:
sudo systemctl restart mongod
Step 3: Configure connection to MongoDB
Make changes to the configuration file /etc/mongod.conf
sudo nano /etc/mongod.conf
Configure the values for:
is a list of addresses from which connections on port 27017 can be accepted (in this case, it makes the MongoDB service available from all external addresses);replSetName
is the name of the replica set, by default it is "rs0"
. . .
# network interfaces
port: 27017
. . .
replSetName: "rs0"
enableMajorityReadConcern: true
. . .
Configuring TLS/SSL in MongoDB
cat your_domain.key > mongodb.pem
cat fullchain_your_domain.pem >> mongodb.pem
net: |
Restart MongoDB to apply the changes:
sudo systemctl restart mongod
Step 4: Initialize the replica
- Open the mongosh console for configuration.
To connect to MongoDB:
sudo mongosh -u superuser admin
To connect to MongoDB with TLS/SSL enabled:
sudo mongosh -u superuser --tls --host mongodb-server1.your_domain --tlsCAFile /etc/ssl/CA.pem
- Initialize the replica:
rs.initiate({ _id: "rs0", members: [{ _id: 0, host: "<mongodb-server-address>" }]})
- Check the replicaSet configuration:
- Check the state of MongoDB:
Step 5: Connect to MongoDB
Connection string for MongoDB:
Connection string for MongoDB with TLS/SSL:
Prepare a MongoDB database for restoration
If you need to restore a database from backup, first prepare the database for restoration.
For more details on backup, refer to the following articles:
начало внимание
Ensure you have a backup copy of the database you are deleting. Only after that, proceed with deleting the database.
Конец внимание
- Open the mongosh console for configuration:
- To connect to MongoDB:
sudo mongosh -u superuser
- To connect to MongoDB with TLS/SSL enabled:
sudo mongosh -u superuser --tls --host mongodb-server1.your_domain --tlsCAFile /etc/ssl/CA.pem
- Delete the elma365 database:
use elma365
- Create an empty elma365 database to restore the database from backup. To do this, use the commands from Step 2: Configure MongoDB.
- After that, depending on your BRIX On-Premises edition and backup method, perform data restoration:
- Restore a backup copy using the utility
- Restore a backup copy when using external means
- Restore a backup copy in the Standard edition