Low-code designer / Set up interfaces / Widget types > Project widgets / About the project

About the project

By default, the widget is placed on the project page and displays basic information about the project: deadlines and current stage, manager and participants, description, etc.

An employee with access to edit items in the Projects app can change project information by clicking on the Edit Project button at the bottom of the project page. For convenience, you can show the Edit button in the About the Project widget. For example, add a button to the widget if you customize your own set of buttons at the bottom of the project page.


To customize the widget, open the Projects app view form in the interface designer, select the widget, and click the gear icon. The settings form consists of three tabs.

Main tab


  • Item, Displayed fields. They are filled in by default.
  • Project. Leave the field blank if you are changing settings on the Projects app form. For a widget that is placed on another app’s form, select the variable that stores the Projects app item.
  • Display project editing button. Enable the option to show the Edit button in the widget. By default, the Edit Project button is displayed at the bottom of the project page, which allows to change the project information if the employee has the right to edit the items of the Projects app. For convenience, you can show the button in the widget itself.

Events and System tabs

These tabs contain system settings that are the same for all widgets. They allow you to control visibility and access to widgets, customize their behavior when hovering the cursor, etc. Read more about it in the System widget settings article.

To finish customizing the widget, click Save.

To make the customized page available to users, click Save and Publish on the top panel of the interface designer.