BRIX On-Premises > BRIX On-Premises Enterprise / Update version of BRIX Enterprise

Update version of BRIX Enterprise

To ensure data integrity when migrating with a version change of the BRIX edition, it is recommended to update each major version without skipping any. For instance, version 2023.2.1 can be updated to 2023.3.1.

The BRIX Enterprise update process consists of the following stages:

  1. Determine the number of update steps.
  2. Copy the configuration file from the currently installed version.
  3. Change the preset timeout values for data migration (optional).
  4. Update using Helm in the Kubernetes cluster for the BRIX application.

Step 1: Determine the number of update steps

  1. Determine the version of the installed chart with which the BRIX application was previously deployed or updated:

helm show chart elma365/elma365

  1. Determine the version of the latest chart:

helm repo add elma365
helm repo update
helm search repo elma365/elma365

  1. If you need to update your chart for more than one version, install each major version until you reach the latest chart.

Important: in each version, install the latest minor release.

начало примера


  1. Installed chart version 2023.5.1, current (latest) chart version 2023.6.9. The update is done in one step: directly to 2023.6.9.
  2. Installed chart version 2023.3.23, current (latest) chart version 2023.6.9. The update is done in three steps: 2023.3.23 > 2023.4.60 > 2023.5.31 > 2023.6.9.
  3. Installed chart version 2023.11.56, current (latest) chart version 2024.4.42. The update is done in four steps: 2023.11.56 > 2024.1.32 > 2024.2.30 > 2024.3.36 > 2024.4.42.

конец примера

Please note that your current version in an LTS version, you can update directly to the next LTS version according to the release life cycle schedule.

To see the list of all BRIX versions, use the following command:

helm repo add elma365
helm repo update
helm search repo elma365/elma365 --versions

You can also download a .tar.gz file with a specific BRIX version using the links provided in Links for downloading BRIX distribution packages.

Step 2: Copy the configuration file from the currently installed version

Copy the configuration file values-elma365.yaml to the current directory. Use this file saved at the installation stage or the last update.

If the values-elma365.yaml file was lost, retrieve the parameters of the current BRIX installation and save them into this file by executing the command:

helm get values elma365 [-n namespace] > values-elma365.yaml

Note that from version 2023.4.30, the structure of the values-elma365.yaml configuration file has been updated.

If you are updating from 2023.4.0-21 or earlier versions to 2023.4.30 or newer versions, you need to:

  1. Obtain the updated values-elma365.yaml configuration file by executing the command.

helm show values elma365/elma365 > values-elma365.yaml

  1. Manually transfer the application parameters from the old sample values-elma365.yaml configuration file (versions prior to 2023.4.30) to the new configuration file.

Step 3: Change the preset timeout values for data migration (optional)

To ensure correct update, you specify the timeout for data migration in the commands. This time depends on the amount of information accumulated in the databases. Before starting the update:

  1. Estimate the amount of data.
  2. Open the values-elma365.yaml configuration file and change the preset parameters:
  • global.curlMigrationsMaxTime. Default setting is 3000. For example, increase the value to 18000.
  • deploy.appconfig.migrateTimeout. Default setting is 1h. Uncomment the parameter and set a new value, for example, 3h. The value of this parameter should be the same as the --timeout in the update command in step 4.
  1. Proceed to the next step of the update.

Step 4: Update using Helm in the Kubernetes cluster for the BRIX application

Execute the update of the BRIX application using the configuration file values-elma365.yaml. To do this:

  1. Sequentially perform the update for each intermediate minor version if there are intermediate minor versions (two or more update steps):

helm upgrade --install elma365 elma365/elma365 -f values-elma365.yaml --version <elma365-chart-version> --timeout=30m --wait [-n namespace]

The --timeout parameter defines the timeout for data update. It must match the value of deploy.appconfig.migrateTimeout if you changed it in the configuration file in step 3.

If the data volume is small, updating the application takes 10-30 minutes at each step.

  1. Perform the update to the latest version:

helm upgrade --install elma365 elma365/elma365 -f values-elma365.yaml --timeout=30m --wait [-n namespace]

The --timeout parameter defines the timeout for data update. It must match the value of deploy.appconfig.migrateTimeout if you changed it in the configuration file in step 3.

If the data volume is small, updating the application takes 10-30 minutes. Wait for the update of the BRIX Enterprise application version to complete.