Business process designer / Error monitor

Error monitor

The Error Monitor page displays the process instances in which an error occurred during execution.

You can easily track processes from all workspaces and apps of the system and quickly remove errors that occurred in them.

Only users included in the Administrators group have access to the Error Monitor.

To go to the monitor, click Administration > Error Monitor.

The main information about the errors is displayed as a table. You can see the process name and version, the workspace and app in which the process was created, as well as the start date and the author.

Instances in the table can be sorted by name, author, and start date. To do this, click on the name of the column.


Remove an error

To remove an error, click the error-monitor-2 icon to the right of the process name.

The following actions are available in the menu.

  • Restart. Start the process from the first step;
  • Skip step. Skip the step with the error. The process will go to the next activity on the diagram;
  • Update version. Apply the latest published version of the process to the active process instance;
  • Interrupt process. Terminate the process execution.

In addition, you can apply one of the actions to more than one process instance at once. Select the process instances and click the Bulk action button that appears above the table. Then select an option from the list.

When the error is removed, the process will disappear from the list.

Update data

To update the Error Monitor, click the Update button above the table.

If you want support staff to quickly solve issues with business processes, set up the automatic data update. To do this, select the Automatically option in the Update: field above the table.