BRIX On-Premises > BRIX On-Premises Enterprise > Administering BRIX Enterprise / Enable network encryption (TLS) in BRIX Enterprise

Enable network encryption (TLS) in BRIX Enterprise

BRIX Enterprise supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2+ for incoming and outgoing traffic. To automatically switch the application to work over the secure HTTPS protocol, enable TLS encryption support.

Enabling TLS for the BRIX application consists of three stages:

  1. Prepare a secret with a certificate for working via HTTPS.
  2. Make changes to the configuration file.
  3. Apply TLS parameters for BRIX Enterprise.

Step 1: Prepare a secret with a certificate for working via HTTPS

For details, see Create a secret with a certificate for HTTPS operation.

Step 2: Make changes to the configuration file values-elma365.yaml

Начало внимание

Before editing the values-elma365.yaml file, make a backup copy of it, as incorrect parameter settings may cause BRIX application malfunction.

Конец внимание

  1. Fill put the configuration file values-elma365.yaml to enable TLS.

To enable encryption support, specify true in the parameter global.ingress.onpremiseTls.enabled. In this parameter, specify the name of the certificate for working via https, for example, elma365-onpremise-tls. The certificate must be issued for the domain name FQDN in the parameter, through which the system will be accessible, for example

  ## domain (FQDN) or ip address where the system is available
  host: ''
  ## enable host in ingress (value taken from host)
  ## for installed s3 minio via elma365-dbs charts, specify in the minio block
  ## the value in the hosts parameter in the values-dbs.yaml file
  hostEnabled: false
    ## enable https
    enabled: true
    ## name of the secret with certificates for https
    secret: "elma365-onpremise-tls"

Filling in the root CA parameters for configuring trust for a custom CA certificate

Начало внимание

Before applying TLS parameters for the BRIX application, ensure that the S3 file storage operates over the HTTPS protocol (uses TLS encryption). Reconfigure the S3 file storage to work over the HTTPS protocol before enabling TLS support in the BRIX application.

Конец внимание

  1. Specify in the connection parameters that the S3 storage server uses TLS encryption. To do this, set true in the db.s3.ssl.enabled parameter.

  ## connections settings for S3 file storage
    method: PUT
    accesskeyid: PZSF73JG72Ksd955JKU1HIA
    secretaccesskey: aFDkj28Jbs2JKbnvJH678MNwiz88zKjsuNBHHs
    bucket: s3elma365
      region: us-east-1
      enabled: "true"

Step 3: Apply TLS parameters for BRIX Enterprise

Update the BRIX application parameters using the values-elma365.yaml configuration file. The parameter update takes between 10 to 30 minutes. Wait for the BRIX Enterprise application parameters to be updated.

To update parameters:

  1. Determine the chart version with which the BRIX application was installed or updated.
  2. Use the same chart version to apply the new parameters to avoid any adverse effects on the application's operability.

For online updates

  1. Determine the chart version with which the BRIX application was installed:

helm show chart elma365/elma365

Example of command execution:


The version of the chart with which the BRIX application was installed is specified in the version line. This value must be specified for the --version flag (replace <elma365-chart-version>).

  1. Update the parameters specifying the installed version of the BRIX application and using the configuration file values-elma365.yaml:

helm upgrade --install elma365 elma365/elma365 -f values-elma365.yaml --version <elma365-chart-version> --timeout=30m --wait [-n namespace]

For offline updates without internet access

Navigate to the directory with the downloaded BRIX chart and execute the command:

helm upgrade --install elma365 ./elma365 -f values-elma365.yaml --timeout=30m --wait [-n namespace]