Duplicates in the CRM workspace / Advanced duplicate search settings

Advanced duplicate search settings

For all duplicate search rules configured in a workspace, you can:

  • Set the high and medium duplicate probability depending on the percentages in rule conditions.
  • Set the minimal length of field values that are going to be checked for matches.
  • Choose the statuses of app items that will be checked for matches.
  • Select the status that app items will be assigned if they are marked as duplicates.

To do this, click the gear icon next to the workspace name and select Duplicate Settings, then click the Advanced Settings tab.


Let’s look into each of these options on the CRM workspace example.

Minimal percentages for duplicate detection

For each condition in a duplicate detection rule, you can set a certain percentage that will determine the value of this condition. After a duplicate check, the scores of all conditions are added up. The sum total will be displayed on app item pages, in the Duplicates widget. The widget’s color will be yellow or red depending on the number of overlapping fields and the values of all conditions.

In the Set up the minimal percentages for duplicate detection results section, you can determine the minimal percentages for considering items potential duplicates. The widget’s color will depend on the probability of the app item being a duplicate (high or medium):

  • Red indicator. By default, it is set to 70%. The color of the Duplicates widget on the app item page will be red.
  • Yellow indicator. By default, it is set to 30%. The color of the Duplicates widget on the app item page will be yellow.

For example, the following rule is configured for the Deals app by default: the system searches for matches in the Name field of the deal (40% value) and in the Work phoneWork email, and Name fields of the contact linked with the deal (20% value each).

If only the names of two deals match, the notification on their pages will be yellow, as the probability of it being a duplicate will be 40%:


If matches are found in all fields specified in the rule, app items will be considered duplicates with a score of 100%. The widget on their pages will be red:


Exclude fields from search

You can specify the minimal length of field values that will be compared during duplicate checks. To do that, use the Exclude the values with less than X symbols from the search option. By default, the number of symbols is three, but you can increase it.

Let’s say you set the minimal number of symbols to four. This means that if a deal’s name includes only three characters, it won’t be considered a duplicate of other deals with similar or identical names.

Set a status for duplicates

For apps that have statuses, that is, Leads and Deals, you can use the following features:

  • Select statuses included in the duplicate search. Set the status of app items among which the search for identical fields will be performed.
  • Change the status of the item marked as a duplicate. Select the status that an item will be assigned if you mark it as a duplicate.


Don’t forget to click Save at the bottom of the page to apply the new advanced settings.