Business process designer > Graphical elements > BRIX CRM activities / Create Activity Entry

Create Activity Entry

clip0263The graphical element is used to record data on interaction with clients in the system. It is used to save information about user activity for a certain contact.

Custom activities are types of activities added by the system administrator to record additional interactions with clients. They are used when the main activities configured in the system by default do not meet the company’s needs. For example, to track notifications sent to a client or their actions on your website.

Activity entries recorded with the activity are displayed in the Activity log widget. It is added to the contact page by default so that the sales manager can track communication with the client and stay up to date with the latest interactions. The widget can also be placed on a lead, deal or copmpany page for quick access to information.

In addition, activity data is used in the system to determine a client’s readiness to buy. Based on this, the contact’s nurturing stage is determined.

Configuring custom activity recording includes three steps:

  1. Adding a new activity in the Contacts app settings.
  2. Describing the activity that should be executed in the business process. Any suitable graphical elements are used for this purpose.
  3. Placing the Create Activity Entry activity on the business process diagram, in the settings of which the added activity is specified.

In the course of the process, the activity actions described by other activities are performed first, and then the entry is recorded in the system.

For more details on how to configure data recording by user activity, see Activity log settings.

Activity settings

On the process page, in the panel to the right of the modeling canvas, open the System elements > CRM tab. Place the Create Activity Entry activity on the process diagram. Place it after the activities that describe the activity action. For example, if you are tracking the sending of an SMS to a client, add the Send Message activity, followed by the activity entry activity.


Double-click on the added activity to open the settings window.

General tab


  • Name*. Enter the name of the activity to be displayed on the process diagram;
  • Activity type*. Select the custom activity you created in the activity log settings. An entry will be added to the contact page based on it;
  • Contact*. Specify a context variable of the App type referring to Contacts. For the item written to the variable, an activity record will be added during the process. If a variable with multiple values is selected, the entry will be recorded on the page of each contact;
  • Activity source. Specify a context variable of the App type App that refers to the element associated with the activity performed. For example, if the activity refers to the order delivery, select the Order variable. The name of the item will be displayed on the contact page. Only variables of type One are available.

Error Handling tab

Specify which path the business process will follow if an error occurs in the activity execution. For example, if a contact is not detected or a user activity is deleted in the activity log settings. You can also configure how users will be notified of the error.


  • Notification. Enable the option and specify users to whom notification about an error in the process will be sent. You can select the current user, user group, or item of the org chart, as well as specify a context variable, for example, the process initiator;
  • Interrupt. For the correct operation of the activity, enable this option and specify in the Connector field which path the process will follow in case of an error.

When the settings are complete, click Save, then publish the process.