Low-code designer / Set up interfaces / Widget types > CRM widgets / Email campaigns

Email campaigns

The widget is placed on the Contacts app view form and displays the list of email campaigns sent from the Marketing workspace to the user’s email.

The widget is a table containing the name of the campaign, the date it was sent, and the status, which shows what action the user has performed with the email:

  • Delivered. The email has been delivered to the user’s email.
  • Opened. The user has opened the email.
  • Link from email. The user has clicked on the link specified in the email.
  • Delivery error. The email has not been delivered to the user’s email.


Add widget

To place a widget on the Contacts app form, drag it from the right panel of the interface designer to the modeling canvas or click +Widget. Read more about it in the Form templates article.

In the opened window, configure the widget.

Main tab


The values for the App* and Object* fields are set automatically according to the app you are working with.

Events and System tabs

Event and system settings are the same for all widgets. They allow you to control visibility and access to widgets, configure their behavior when hovering the cursor, etc. For more information refer to System widget settings.

Click Save.

To finish configuring the widget, click Save and then Publish in the top panel of the interface designer.

Delete widget

To remove a widget from a form, select it and click the trash can icon. The deleted widget can be added again as described above.