You can use API methods to retrieve segment data and subscriber lists from an external system. For example, a segment of subscriber emails can be generated in an external system, taking into account segmentation requirements that are not implemented in BRIX. The finished segment can then be loaded into the Segments of subscriber emails app using a web request.
To view the API methods available in the Marketing workspace, to the right of the Segments of subscriber emails app name, click the gear icon and select API.
On the opened page, you will see a list of functions, each containing the following information:
- Function description. You can read more about it in BRIX Public API.
- Method name.
- Request address for this app.
- Request template.
Please note that certain API methods can be used only when working with static segments: retrieve a segment from an external system, create a segment, as well as add subscribers to a segment, and delete them.
You can test the written query. Read more about it in the API in apps article.