Build solutions in BRIX / Scripts in TypeScript

Scripts in TypeScript

A script is TypeScript code that allows you to implement complex logic and access system objects.

начало внимание

The principles of script writing in BRIX, the description of data types and global constants, etc. can be found in BRIX TS SDK.

конец внимание

Scripts are used in business processes and widgets. The following articles provide detailed information on the use of scripts:

  • Scripts tab. This article describes the script editing tab in business processes.
  • Gateways. This article shows how you can use scripts in gateways to calculate the values of service variables.
  • Script. In this article, you will learn how to configure script execution at a certain step of a business process in the module.
  • Scripts in widgets, Code widget, Button. This article describes how to use scripts in widgets to process app data, pages, or interaction with external systems.;
  • Additional parameters. In this article you will find detailed information on how to set additional parameters for scripts. You will also see an example of their use. Additional parameters allow you to customize a process or make changes to a script without republishing.
  • Global constants. In this article, you will find out how to use global constants in scripts for processes, widgets, and modules.
  • Batch actions with app items in scripts. This article describes how to use batch methods in scripts for adding items or updating their fields.