HashiCorp Vault is an open-source tool that provides secure storage and encryption of confidential data, as well as access to data based on identity through customizable policies.
The installation of HashiCorp Vault consists of the following steps:
- Download the Helm chart and Vault configuration file.
- Fill out the Vault configuration file.
- Install Vault using Helm in a Kubernetes cluster.
- Configure Vault.
Step 1: Download the Helm chart and Vault configuration file
To install via the internet, obtain the configuration file values-vault.yaml
by running the command:
helm repo add elma365 https://charts.elma365.tech
helm repo update
helm show values elma365/vault > values-vault.yaml
Obtaining the configuration file for installation in an isolated environment without internet access
helm repo add elma365 https://charts.elma365.tech
tar -xf vault-X.Y.Z.tgz |
Step 2: Fill out the Vault configuration file
Fill out the configuration file values-vault.yaml
to install the Vault service.
# Vault settings
# if not defined, StorageClass is used by default
storageClass: ""
# Vault settings Where:
Step 3: Install Vault using Helm in a Kubernetes cluster
Perform the installation of the Vault service in a separate namespace
, for example, vault. Namespace
will be created during installation if it hasn't been created earlier.
For installation with internet access, run the following command:
helm upgrade --install vault elma365/vault -f values-vault.yaml -n vault --create-namespace
For offline installation (without internet access), navigate to the directory with the downloaded service and run the following command:
helm upgrade --install vault ./vault -f values-vault.yaml -n vault --create-namespace
Step 4: Configure Vault
- Make sure that the satus of
kubectl get pods -n vault
2. Initialize Vault:
kubectl exec -ti vault-server-0 -n vault -- vault operator init
3. After initialization, retrieve the list of keys (Unseal Key X:
) and the root token (Initial Root Token
). Use three keys to unlock the Vault service:
kubectl exec vault-server-0 -n vault -- vault operator unseal <Unseal Key 1>
kubectl exec vault-server-0 -n vault -- vault operator unseal <Unseal Key 2>
kubectl exec vault-server-0 -n vault -- vault operator unseal <Unseal Key 3>
Начало внимание
If the Vault service restarts, it will need to be unsealed again using the keys.
Конец внимание
4. After initialization and unsealing, connect to vault-server-0
and authenticate in Vault using the root key (Initial Root Token
kubectl exec -ti vault-server-0 -n vault -- /bin/sh
vault login
5. Check the service state:
vault status
6. Enable the secrets mechanism kv-v2
on the path of secret
vault secrets enable -path=secret kv-v2
7. Create a secret at the path secret/elma365/db
. For the secret, use the actual connection strings for the database (сonnection strings
) and parameters for connecting to the S3 file storage, following the pattern in values-elma365.yaml: PSQL_URL
, S3_KEY
If a parameter, for example RO_POSTGRES_URL
is not used, create it with an empty value:
vault kv put secret/elma365/db \
PSQL_URL="postgresql://postgres:pgpassword@postgres.default.svc.cluster.local:5432/elma365?sslmode=disable" \
MONGO_URL="mongodb://elma365:mongopassword@mongo.default.svc.cluster.local:27017/elma365?ssl=false&replicaSet=rs0&readPreference=secondaryPreferred" \
VAHTER_MONGO_URL="mongodb://elma365:mongopassword@mongo.default.svc.cluster.local:27017/elma365?ssl=false&replicaSet=rs0&readPreference=secondaryPreferred" \
REDIS_URL="redis://redis.default.svc.cluster.local:6379/0" \
AMQP_URL="amqp://elma365:rmqpassword@rabbitmq.default.svc.cluster.local:5672/elma365" \
S3_BACKEND_ADDRESS="example.com" \
S3_REGION="us-east-1" \
S3_KEY="PZSF73JG72Ksd955JKU1HIA" \
S3_SECRET="aFDkj28Jbs2JKbnvJH678MNwiz88zKjsuNBHHs" \
S3_BUCKET="s3elma365" \
S3_SSL_ENABLED="false" \
S3_DUMP_URL="" \
8. Make sure the secret is created at the path secret/elma365/db
vault kv get secret/elma365/db
9. Enable the Kubernetes authentication method:
vault auth enable kubernetes
10. Configure the Kubernetes authentication method to use the Kubernetes API location:
vault write auth/kubernetes/config \
11. Create a policy for reading secrets at the address secret/data/elma365/db
vault policy write read-secret-elma365 - <<EOF
path "secret/data/elma365/db" {
capabilities = ["read"]
12. Create a role named read-secret-elma365, which links the read-secret-elma365 policy to the vault-auth service account in the namespace
where BRIX is installed (e.g., elma365). The service account is created with the following command:
vault write auth/kubernetes/role/read-secret-elma365 \
bound_service_account_names=vault-auth \
bound_service_account_namespaces=elma365 \
policies=read-secret-elma365 \
13. Exit Vault:
14. Create the vault-auth service account in the namespace
where BRIX is installed (e.g., elma365):
kubectl create serviceaccount vault-auth -n elma365
Secrets in the Kubernetes cluster can be synchronized using HashiCorp Vault with the External Secrets Operator. Read more in Install External Secrets Operator.
Remove Vault using Helm in the Kubernetes cluster
To uninstall the Vault service in the vault namespace
, execute the command:
helm uninstall vault -n vault