BRIX On-Premises > BRIX On-Premises Enterprise > Install add-on components for BRIX / Install Ingress NGINX

Install Ingress NGINX

Ingress NGINX is a controller for managing incoming traffic in Kubernetes. It serves as a single access point to all services in the cluster and allows you to configure traffic routing according to various rules.

The installation consists of three steps:

  1. Install the Helm chart and configuration file.
  2. Fill out the configuration file.
  3. Install the ingress-nginx chart using Helm in the Kubernetes cluster.

Step 1: Download the Helm chart and configuration file

To install via the internet, obtain the values-ingress-nginx.yaml configuration file by executing the command:

helm repo add elma365
helm repo update
helm show values elma365/ingress-nginx > values-ingress-nginx.yaml

Obtaining the configuration file for installation in a closed loop without internet access

Step 2: Fill out the configuration file

Fill out the values-ingress-nginx.yaml configuration file for the Ingress NGINX installation:

# ingress-nginx settings
# Permission to use annotations *-snippet
  allowSnippetAnnotations: true
# Use DaemonSet or Deployment
  kind: Deployment
# Nodes IP addresses on which the external controller service is available.
# selectors to run on specific nodes
  tolerations: []
  affinity: {}
  nodeSelector: linux
# metrics collection connection parameters
    enabled: false
      enabled: false
      scrapeInterval: 30

Filling in the connection parameters to the private registry for installation in a closed loop without internet access

Step 3: Install the ingress-nginx chart using Helm in a Kubernetes cluster

Install the ingress-nginx chart in the ingress-nginx namespace.

For online installation:

helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx elma365/ingress-nginx -f values-ingress-nginx.yaml -n ingress-nginx --create-namespace

For offline installation without internet access, navigate to the directory with the downloaded chart and execute the command:

helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ./ingress-nginx -f values-ingress-nginx.yaml -n ingress-nginx --create-namespace