New releases / BRIX On-Premises / 2024.5


Version BRIX On-Premises 2024.5 includes all updates for BRIX SaaS 2024.5, as well as the following improvements:

A significant number of updates have been released, aimed at improving functionality and stability.


  • Updated the Monitoring addon (Prometheus 0.73.2 + Grafana 10.4.1).
  • Upgraded the Loki addon to version 3.0.0, enhancing the performance of the logging system.
  • Updated the Tempo addon to version 2.5.0.
  • Added the Mimir addon for long-term metric storage.
  • Introduced the EventsExporter addon for collecting Kubernetes events into Loki and facilitating viewing in the provided Grafana dashboard.


  • Updated the Cert-Manager certificate manager to 1.14.5.

Service Mesh:

  • Updated the Linkerd addon to 2.14.10 for compatibility with Kubernetes up to version 1.30.
  • Added instructions for automatic updating of mTLS certificates for Linkerd through Cert-Manager.


  • Updated the KEDA addon to 2.13.1.


  • Tested the compatibility of BRIX with the newly released RedOS version 8. BRIX On-Premises Standard (KinD), BRIX On-Premises Enterprise (Deckhouse, Vanilla Kubernetes) have been installed and function without issues.
  • Tested compatibility of BRIX Standard, BRIX Enterprise (Deckhouse) with the recent Ubuntu Linux 24.04 release.

Also, in the BRIX 2024.5.0 release, there were several minor corrections in the backup system, deployment system in closed networks, and improved compatibility with new Kubernetes versions.