The Advanced Mode is a feature-rich interface in which you can view and change the form settings, and set up custom forms for creating, viewing and editing an app item. In the advanced mode, you can change the order of fields on the form, select required and read-only fields, create templates and select which fields must be shown on the app item tiles.
You can switch to the Advanced Mode when creating a new app or changing the settings of an existing one.
To enable the Advanced mode, click the icon to the right of the app's name and select Form Settings.
Then, click the Advanced Mode link in the settings window.
начало внимание
Once you have switched to the Advanced Mode, you will not be able to go back to the Standard Mode.
конец внимание
The Form Settings window in the advanced mode consists of 5 tabs:
Switch between the tabs to modify the app's properties, change the design of each app form (creation, view, and edit) and select fields that will be displayed on tiles.
In addition, in the advanced mode, you can create templates for app forms. A template allows adding widgets and additional buttons.