Offer more than your competition

BRIX BFSI is a set of tools that includes solutions for financial risk modeling, credit scoring, reporting, and more than 50 processes for providing the best service to your clients.

Success stories

BRIX has helped over 20 banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions optimize their business processes, reduce costs, adopt customer-oriented approach, and gain competitive advantage. This solution is created based on BRIX’s vast experience in driving innovation across the banking sector, insurance companies and private pension funds.

Логотипы компаний
  • Kapital Bank

    We made the work of our employees easier with the BPMS and minimized the chance of mistakes. It allows us to keep a high level of service, which Kapital Bank provides to its customers. It gives us a competitive edge, and, therefore, economic effect.

    Farid Guseinov

    Farid Guseinov

    Deputy Chairman of the Board at Kapital Bank

  • VestaBank

    In a state bank, some procedures involves a thousand people but in our bank it is only a few dozens. On average, we implement 5–6 updates each week. Another great advantage of BRIX is that the managers can easily receive feedback from the users, customers, and partners, and, therefore, cancel any unsuccessful updates and further develop the successful ones.

    Alexander Pekin

    Alexander Pekin

    Head of Business Process Development of VestaBank

BRIX BFSI loan pipeline


Capture a new lead

  • Website
  • Email
  • Meeting
  • RBS
  • Messengers
  • Phone
  • Cross
  • Marketing
  • Social
Determine the demand

Enter customer data

Enter customer data
Know your clients

Verify customer information

Track customer in other systems
Make assessments

Assess customer risks in Kontur.Prizma

Assess customer risks in Kontur.Prizma

Expert assessment

Expert assessment
Reach an agreement

Committee decision

Committee decision
Generate and sign

Automatically generate documents
and approval routes

Automatically generate documents and approval routes

The entire customer history
stored on one page

The entire customer history stored on one page
Monitor deals and create reports

Online charts with report

Read more in Business process analytics

Online charts with report specification

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to learn more about BRIX BFSI

Low-code advantages

The BRIX solution incorporates modern technologies for managing business
processes of financial organizations.

  • Fast product launch

    that only takes two weeks from creating technical requirements to launching the product

  • No-code system configuration

    by analysts and citizen developers. No need to engage the ever-busy IT department

  • Single-window analytics

    with a quick interface and a complete customer history

Customer services and assistance

Opening an account, RBS, foreign exchange control, deposits, and other 50+ products and processes for providing the best customer service.

BRIX BFSI allows creating processes on a single platform instead of randomly using the pipeline, Service Desk, your automated banking system, and emails. A simple analysis of the departments’ efficiency allows you to find the bottlenecks of your processes and improve them. Employees get all the information in a single window, which also speeds up and facilitates the onboarding.

A new business process can be launched in production in just two weeks from the moment the hypothesis was made. Thus, BRIX helps financial organizations improve service quality and speed, develop the customer-focused approach, and reach a competitive advantage.

Customer services and assistance
Loan pipelines

Loan pipelines

Generating leads from external sources, identifying groups of related persons or borrowers, scoring, monitoring, business review, expert assessment reports, underwriting, managing customer information files, loan committees, and preparing reports and documents.

There are processes in each organization, and only the company employees know how they should work. In BRIX BFSI, users can build custom solutions in an intuitive process designer and create personalized screen forms. Methodologists and analysts can change the parameters of the risk models and verifications in the web interface. They don’t need to have any programming skills or wait for maintenance.

To make the solutions affordable, you can use the ready-made connectors for automated banking system and OCR verification systems. For example, "Kontur.Fokus", "Kontur.Prisma", "SPARK", Credit Registry, Credit Bureau, Federal Bailiff Service, Casebook, Federal Tax Service, Federal Financial Monitoring Service, Federal Migration Service,, Center of Financial Technologies, and others.

Internal processes and back office

Maintenance and supply department, purchases, IT processes, HR processes, legal support, etc.

BRIX BFSI helps understand the workload of the employees and significantly reduce repetitive manual operations. The low-code designer allows you to digitize all the back-office processes rapidly and at low cost. On average, it takes only one week to implement a new business process.

Process maintenance costs are also quite low. One or two employees can handle more than 200 business processes as they don't need coding skills for that, the process can be changed in just a few clicks.

Internal processes and back office
A single window

A single window

Access the data from multiple systems in a single window. You don’t need to switch between programs because the information is kept in a single space.

Employees make fewer mistakes because they don’t need to learn how to work in multiple systems. BRIX BFSI increases the speed of decision making and improves customer service.

How BRIX solves your

  • High cost of system maintenance and enhancement

    Development and maintenance of business processes with a complex logic requires highly qualified experts, each fulfilling their own role

    Single low-code platform

    Built-in connectors for external test and automated banking systems reduce setup costs. The system consumes less server resources, does not require expensive hardware and software

  • Introduction of new features takes up to several months

    Making any change in the system requires help of the IT department whose backlog is packed for months ahead

    Form builder and business rules editor

    Processes are changed in no time and new products are created without coding

  • No real performance data

    The process performance measurement focuses on the number of escalations instead of using actual data

    Report builder

    Custom reports that reflect performance data for each company division

  • Inconsistent information storage

    Customer data is stored in different apps, spreadsheets, emails and messengers, making it impossible to find the right information and the right time

    Company portal

    Shared company portal that provides access to corporate apps and resources. Accessible from any division or branch office.

Schedule a presentation
to learn more about BRIX BFSI